Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Eff you scale!! I dont need you and your negative attitude!

Sooo Wednesdays are weigh in days for me, today's weigh in was more of a slap in the face from my belly bloat (I blame Flo for this, what a bitch) saying sorry sucker no loss for you today. Who weighs in on a Wednesday, I mean for real whats up with that? Its the most boring day of the week right? I dont like weighing in on Mondays because everybody does that and everybody always says "Oh Ill start Monday." (pet peeve of mine, Ill save that for another day) What I dont get is that Mondays arent fun anyways so why tack on a shitty task like stripping down and stepping on a scale on that already shittastic day? Fridays dont work for me because I like to enjoy my Fridays and weighing in wont let me enjoy my super fab weekend that I have that left Wednesday because lets be honest, Tuesdays and Thursdays are the loners of the week, and weekends well lets be honest here thats just not gonna happen. The best thing about Wednesdays is that after a shitty weekend of drinking two bottle of champagne, half a sixer of bud light lime and two pizzas later, you can still manage to recover Monday and Tuesday in order to tilt the scale in your favor, even if it is only for .5lbs.
Today Im on day 6 in a row of working out, woohoo go me! I should probably take a break but Ill save that for Saturday when Im out of town and not feeling like doing a damned thing. Today I played volleyball so it was like a workout but it didnt really seem like work, not like last night when my shoulders were SCREAMING at Jillian to make it stop, p.s. my shoulders look goooood today, I like you today Jillian but last night we were NOT on good terms. I like mixing it up, every day is different for me when it comes to working out. If its not different then the day before then chances are Im not going to do it. I kind of sorta like running, not sure why although Im almost 90% sure that I like running because I really like wearing my running tights (only because they make my legs look buff) and I LOVE the new nano and nike plus thing that turns me into a super beast when it comes to running. Lets talk about this superbeast thing a little...Im not a runner, I dont claim to be, I never have been and I probably never will be. Im just a poser who does it because it makes her jeans fit better and she likes making new music playlists to sweat to. When I use this Nike plus thing with my nano it turns me into a super beast because you get instant feedback from the talking lady on your ipod. You touch the button while youre running and then magically she tells you how far youve gone, how long youve been running for and what your pace is. Fantastic!! Negative..Because if you are a competitive asshole like myself you think "oh man, Im going to run farther than I did yesterday or Im going to run faster than I did yesterday" but the REAL kicker is as soon as you plug your ipod in to your computer its there....for all to see...your time, distance, pace, calories burned EVERYTHING, and then you cant hide. shows everyone everything and then you start to feel a little inadequate because Joe over in New York ran 11 miles at a 8min mile pace, well fuck you Joe! I run 10.14 min miles and the most I ever do on a day is 4 so screw you and the shoes you run around NY in! Dick. But in all seriousness this whole nikeplus thing is great, it helps me make goals, and it gives you training plans and helps keep you on track which is something I am thankful for. I like that I am competitive with myself but I really do have a hard time telling myself no, Im just not very good at it, so I just end up pushing myself a little more and more each day. (we will save the "no" topic for another day as well) I guess its not a bad thing though, sometimes a little self perpetuated ass kicking can be good for you, at least thats what I keep telling myself, and that its not really my OCD kicking in. I hope everyone is still ticking away at those New Years resolutions, me personally Im not a fan of the damned things. Im a weekly goal kind of person, I make them every week and each week they are different. This week my mini goals were to do something active each day, eat breakfast daily and take an allergy pill before bed each night. So far so good!


  1. I love this! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, how I wish I were competitive! I am just NOT. Hey maybe I need that NikePlus thing??? You'll have to tell me more. I like that you have weekly goals. I am not much for resolutions either... Clearly. I just made chocolate peanut butter bars at 11pm. I didn't text you for a reason. I wanted them! LOL!!!!!!

    You've done awesome though and I hope you follow in your footsteps even if it's at a lot slower of a pace!!! :)

  2. PS, Did you get all fancy and redo the background!? Whaaa??? Looks cute!

  3. Yeah, on accident. Change it back!! Haha

  4. New reader here! Your blog is fantastic!


Encouragement? We need it!