Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I did it. I joined WW again....

Ok, so it's official. I am a WW member. I am excited, but we'll see how long this lasts. Why do I always have to have a Debby Downer attitude!?! I can and WILL do it! :)

I have done well today. That, my friends... is HUGE! This past month I've done well for certain meals of the day... but never an ENTIRE DAY! WHOO HOO!

Not only do I get a ton of points for each day, but I didn't realize that the momentum program offers 35 EXTRA points for the whole week!!!! YES! That is AWESOME! Anyway, I'm excited to be on the right track here and I need to get my ass back to the Shred. Hello! I am thankful to my blog buddy, Jen for providing some "Weigh In Wednesday" advice every week! Holla! She is rockin' her WW program. Check her out, she does NOT look like she just gave birth in December!

Thanks to the new readers/commenters! We need all the encouragement we can get, right girls?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Baby steps is still progress

Ok, so really Boston didn't set me back too much. I really only gained 2 lbs so thats encouraging. I will do better this week, lots to get done and I finally convinced Kristi to start shredding with us!! Woohoo!! So welcome Kristi to our blog shes going to blog, shred and get fit with us. :)
Target has the new Jackie Warner workout dvd and I have heard good things about it (thank you fitness magazine). Once I finally shred for a complete 30 days then Ill move on to Jackie, but I gotta get through Jillian first.
I didnt work out nearly as much as I wanted to this weekend, but I made progress. I FINALLY got around to mapping out a route of 1.5 miles around my house that I can go for jog/runs on and know exactly how far each loop is. Thanks to the cyclometer on my bike, judging by how long it too me to finally get around to routing a course its going to take me twice as long to actually use it. Such is life. I think Chelsi should let me borrow Jack for about an hour so I can have a jogging buddy, ie. an excuse to run. haha
I have found my new love, beach volleyball. I used to kinda sorta like it, but after playing last night Im in love again, the benefits of playing sand ball is that it tones your ass twice as fast! So this summer I look forward to playing lots and lots of grass and adding in sand ball whenever I get a chance.
Off to face Monday, good luck ladies and happy shredding!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March, really?

Well, here I am in March and still fat.

Surprised? Neither am I.

I'll find motivation... It's got to be here SOMEWHERE!

For the record, I've never had a chocolate croissant. I think I better keep it that way.