Thursday, February 25, 2010

Chocolate filled croissants are NOT your friends.

...But they sure are mine!!! I went to Boston for work about a week ago and I swear I came back about 10lbs heavier. Every meal was spent eating out, and when you enjoy food like I do its hard not to order the good stuff. Im talking Cheesecake Factory, California Pizza Kitchen, P.F. Changs, the food court at the mall and Starbucks for breakfast. So here I am, back at home trying to get back on the wagon and trying hard to fit into some designer jeans. Im trying so hard to fit into them I even went and tried on a pair of True Religions the other day, just to see exactly how hard I need to work, and not surprising to me I couldnt get them buttoned!! I was at least about to get them over my thighs but when it came to covering the booty sadly they just werent willing to cooporate, think sausages stuffed to the point of explosion..
I havent shredded since the trip, but I have played ball like 3 times in the past week so I think that should count for something. Im going to work harder though, thats the plan. Summer is quickly sneaking up on me and my large backside so its time to get back to it. Time for me to visit my friend Jillian for a good old fashioned ass kicking.
*cue music*
"Come on and work!!! Work it girl!!!"

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

30 Day Shred

The Shred has been suprisingly enjoyable. Shandy doesn't lie, Jillian is a bit fiesty. However, I like her and find her motivating! I haven't been super strict with the Shred. I've done it 4-5 days for the past two"ish" weeks. I'm not seeing a difference in my body (because I still eat like a fatty!) but I definitely see a difference in my fitness level. I've gone from "serious couch potato" to "semi-serious couch potato!" That may not seem like a big difference... but it is! :) Not that I'm really a couch potato... I'm almost always either at work or school. But, I have chosen to use some of my spare time more wisely and for that I am proud. Just like Shandy said... "planning to work out" ends up taking more time than acutally doing it. I feel so much better after getting my ass up and doing something!


Monday, February 1, 2010

I'm Here!!!

Ok sooo for everyone out there (cough cough Chelsi) who has been wondering where the hell the second person on this crazy journey is at..IM HERE!! Fashionably late of course.
Sooo about the blog, its February, and I was planning on fitting into those designer jeans by now, so much for motivation...But hey, no worries thats why were shredding now. Shredding and shedding. For those of you that arent hip on the terminology shredding is Jillian Michaels on crack yelling at my fatass through the tv, "I want you to feel like youre going to die!!" (not a joke here folks, she really says that) And so far so good, that is..When I remember to do it, or when I stop sitting there "planning" on working out and just get up and do it. I've found that I have more time to sit around and plan on working out, than I actually do to work out, because by the time I stop "planning" on working out, an hour has already passed and I still *gasp* have not worked out. Surprised anyone? I'm not, I think this gene runs in my family.
So goal this week, work out at least once a day and stop grazing on the peanut M&Ms that seem to be following me everywhere. Should be easy enough right? HA, you're not the ones who bought the giant bag of Peanut M&Ms from Costco the other day. DOH!
Happy Shredding!