Tuesday, July 6, 2010

So Long Couch!

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When my fellow blog buddy Jen posted something on her facebook about thinking about starting to run... I jumped on the bandwagon with her.  Only two days later Jen had an entire email list of other ladies that were hopping on the bandwagon to join in the Couch to 5K madness!!!

What did I do?  Duh! I employed Shandy as my personal motivator! Since we have been toying around with the idea of being more active and not being such fat asses since January, I figured she'd be on board.  We're getting into the third week of this business and I'm proud to say that I've stuck with it!

I am going to have to repeat week 2 because... well, it kicked my ass.  But, that's ok! I am still moving this lug of a body of mine!

So... that's the update for now! Hopefully by the end of the summer I will be able to jog for more than 2 minutes at time. Um, that sounds so pathetic!


  1. Oh good luck! I did the C25K. I enjoyed it but due to the Texas heat, I've backed off the running and switched to the gym. The C25K works. I could run 30 minutes without stopping. I could run a 5k by the time I finished. Unfortunately, I could not run a 5K in 30 minutes. * sigh* I did get really close though!!!!

  2. Keep up the great work!

    I find that I can run long distances when I think that someone is chasing me. ;)

  3. GO GIRL! You can do it! I think tracking your distance is the best motivation but maybe that's just me...keep going!


Encouragement? We need it!